Fard Jamabandi Property Documents Search & Copy
- Present owner of the property
- Previous ownership chain of the property
- Who is cultivator of the land (if agriculture) registered with Revenue Dept.
- Exact measurement of the property / land
- Exact location of the property including Khasra, Khata, Hadbast No.
- Detail of Co-Owner(s) if any
- At present market value & Govt. value of the property / land.
- Photograph & Video of the property / land subject to feasibility.
- As and when the present owner came into ownership of property / land.
- Any other detail which required specifically subject to possibility.
Title of Property / Land means ownership document of the property which is called as Sale Deed, Land Registry, Jamabandi or Fard. The search of Title of the property required for various purposes including financial settlement in divorce proceeding abroad, to sale and also for lease, sublease, mortgage etc etc.
Title is a legal term; it means the ownership right to property. Title of property is the prime concern of everyone at the time of purchasing of a property. Every property including Agriculture land has a title. Title is the evidence of the right of ownership or the ground of right of ownership. Law relating to succession is another important area connected to investigation of title.
Search & Investigation of Title is very essential since the ownership of the property is required to be complete, fair & free from any doubts, risks & interest. To ensure this an investigation is much needed so that a spouse can claim his/her share in the divorce proceeding taking place in foreign courts. Further the investigation of title is also necessary so that the purchaser can take all necessary steps at the time of acquiring property to obtain a good & clear title of the land. When search is conducted unto the property of the person who owns it, it is called the Investigation of Title. It is also popularly called as ‘SEARCH’ into the ownership of the property. The investigation is carried out broadly to ensure that the property is indeed in the name of the person selling, is free from liens, mortgages and encumbrances, that the property tax has been fully paid up to date and that the property is not engaged in any legal conflicts and is free from all sorts of encumbrances.
We can provide our search report including the following;
The lawyers at Wazir Singh Solicitor & Co have experience in searching the property / land ownership documents in the record of Land Revenue Departments, Land Registry Record Room, Patwarkhana & other concerned departments in India and can obtain the copy of ownership document of the property / land such as required Sale Deed, Jamabandi / Fard, Land Registry etc on the instructions.
Consultation fee is applicable.