private service of documents india legal services

Apart from our assistance in Service of Judicial Documents under Hague Convention, our associates private process server also provide assistance in service of documents in India through Other Alternative method i.e. Service of Documents by method of private Service in India through Private Messenger.

What is the method of Private Service in India?

Private process servers may serve documents in most countries, whether a signatory to the Hague Service Convention, or not. Service is normally handled in a manner similar to methods used in the United States. Service of process via this methods generally meets the USA federal or state rules only.

What are the Advantages of Private Service?

The advantages of Private Service include less delays, as the completion of the service is faster. Typically, it also costs less. The judgment is also enforceable judgment in the home country.

What are the Disadvantages of Private Service in India?

The Judgment may not be enforceable in India, depending upon the matter.

How long it takes to Serve Personally?

A typical Private service in India takes less than one month, which is shorter than service under the Hague Convention.

Which method of Service in India should I use for a case filed in USA?

For a case filed in a court in the United States of America, the service under the Hague Convention is generally required. Specially, if the judgment given by a court in the USA (or any other foreign country which is signatory to the Hague Convention), is to be enforced in India, then service under the Hague Convention is required. However, since the service under the Hague Convention takes a longer time, some people prefer to do both, Private Service along with the Service under the Hague Convention.

What kind of Documents can Serve in India?

  • Serving Summons & Complaints in India in divorce cases filed in the USA
  • Serving Summons & Complaints in India in commercial and civil cases filed in the USA
  • Serving Complaints in India
  • Serving Petitions in India
  • Serving Subpoena in India
  • Serving Divorce Papers in India
  • Serving Other Judicial and Extra-Judicial documents in Civil and Commercial Matters in India

What is the applicable law in India for service of Foreign Documents?

  1. India is now a signatory to the Hague Convention on the Service Abroad of Judicial and Extra-Judicial documents in Civil and Commercial Matters. India acceded to the Hague Service Convention in late 2006 and the treaty is enforced in India from August 1, 2007.
  2. The Indian Code of Civil Procedure, Act of 1908 (CPC)
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